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Another Dog Dumped & Left To Pass Away :(

Hamlet's Helper

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

We want to tell you more about a dog we recently named Maple...

We are an animal rescue specializing in mini pigs and operate in California. While farm animals are our passion, recently we have been encountering a huge issue in our local shelters where dogs are not being picked up and shelters/ animal control are informing people to leave these poor strays outside; they will not provide the typical service communities are used to, which has led to many, many tragedies for animals: lack of food, water, exposure to the elements and losses of life due to traffic, etc. If they do take them in, they are held for a shorter period of time and sadly are euthanized very quickly. The really disturbing effect that this has caused is an increase in the practice of dumping animals. Being a small 501c3 and mostly a self-funded organization we can only help so much.

Now, more about Maple:

On Sunday evening we received a call about a French bull dog. She was a dog that was dumped in a field in a residential area with what the caller thought was a tumor and left in a box; there was no food or water and she was very ill. Being afflicted with the same animal loving gene that we know many people have, this compelled us to go find this poor girl. When we pulled up, we saw that she had been severely neglected for months. Her nails were growing into her paws, infecting them. The tumor was in fact a prolapsed uterus that we later learned was taking her bladder and kidneys with it. (The vet said this was likely caused by over breeding) With all of this neglect and abuse, it appears to have done nothing to diminish her sweet loving personality, she just wanted to be held and to sleep with her little head against someone looking for comfort.

We of course took her to the vet and was told that the cost would be $2,600 to start. We paid 80% on credit so her care could get underway and are currently waiting to pay the increased costs which we are waiting to see what it will come to. Maple was taken in and had blood work, X-rays and was scheduled for surgery the next day on Monday. When she was out of surgery, we received a call saying the the procedure was harder than expected with the bladder extending down into the uterus and the kidneys which had also been pulled down to where the bladder was supposed to be. Maple had to face all of these issues on top of already existing abnormalities in her lungs from being her breed and being in poor condition due to the environment she had come from. Unfortunately, the vet also let us know that she flat lined during the surgery and they had to try and bring her back, but amazingly this little girl fought hard and did return to us, which we believe is just a miracle!

She is currently in recovery and again the sweetest thing on earth, but we know she needs a lot of support and we unfortunately operate off our salaries alone. We support many animals and this amount of money actually presents a real challenge for us, especially when our monthly food bill is similar to this amount.

We know everything that people have to face with the economy and we don’t want to ask for anything that would cause someone to struggle more than many of us already are. We were just thinking that maybe if anyone had some spare change and if they shared this post with others who were also able to support with some spare change that maybe we could grow many minimal funds over many people and compile her vet costs with as little of an impact as possible to those who can contribute. We thought this approach may be much better, as opposed to relying on a few people who donate more considerable amounts. It is the first time we have tried to organize a go fund me and are not sure of the best way to reach a wider audience, but we felt that we needed to try.

Maple is an amazing little frenchie that deserves a second chance and a better experience in the world from the people around her and after coming this far, we want to make sure we can see this through to the end and get her fully recovered and in a good furever home. We don’t really have a social media presence as we just don’t have the time to create anything and stay on top of it in addition to working full time and the rest of our free time spent supporting all the animals under our care.

We are just so impassioned about this little girl and what she has gone through and thought that the least we could do is reach out and try; but nonetheless, we are also just happy to be able to share her story.

Thank you from all of us at Hamlet’s House & Pet Rescue for taking the time to read this post!🙂

Here are some pictures after surgery:

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