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Hamlet's House & Pet Rescue
Our Mission:


We are a foster based organization working to house and/or rescue, rehabilitate and re-home unwanted or displaced animals; while exposing and educating the public on animals, their welfare, training & care.

Hamlet's Hooray!

- Our Legacy - 

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Buddy & Max

Rescued and Returned on August 24th, 2022! 

​Two fun loving dogs who were lost from their home. These two were wandering the streets when Hamlet’s House came upon Max almost being hit by a car. Another driver jumped out of their car and assisted with securing Buddy while we were able to secure Max. Once we got them safely in the vehicles we were able to see that there was a tag with a faded phone number on Buddy. We called and sent messages. Awhile later we luckily got a call from the number which was in fact their owner who was out of the area. The owner explained their dogs must have gotten out of their fence. They gave us the address and we let them know we would return them to their yard and would look at how to secure them in their area. Once Hamlet’s House arrived at these guys’ home they talked with a young family member there about the circumstances they were in when they were found and the close call with the car who almost ran over Max. Amazingly, while walking back to the yard, Max was bound and determined to run around again, he escaped the family member and had to be retrieved once more. Secured again for the second time and safely back in the yard, we provided some pointers to help keep them successfully at their home. This is one of the many examples of Hamlet’s House rescuing and reuniting families and their pets; stay tuned for the next Hamlet’s Hooray Episode! 

Hamlet’s House is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

All donations are tax-deductible. 

Hamlet’s House is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

All donations are tax-deductible. 

©2022 by Hamlet's House. Proudly created with

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